Trimmer Assistance Program

Hoof Trimmers Association acknowledges that there are life events – accidents, unforeseen health problems – which threaten the financial welfare of trimmers.  The Trimmers Assistance Program is designed for short-term assistance to help supply food and staples.  The program may also assist in facilitating and scheduling replacement trimmers to keep customers happy and cows comfortable until such time as the trimmer can return to work.



The TAP committee, consisting of five people will review and evaluate each request based on the information provided in the application. Personal knowledge or information garnered through word-of-mouth cannot be considered.


TAP funding is largely provided by the generous donations of HTA members. From time to time, HTA may also conduct fundraising activities to increase the fund.

Members are also encouraged to leave legacy contributions via will or similar designation.


Application for assistance must be made in writing using the TAP application form, preferably online, but the printable form is also acceptable.

Application may be made by an active member, active member’s spouse, or an active member on behalf of another trimmer.

Contribution to the TAP fund does not guarantee an application for assistance will be approved. The TAP Committee will have no information about the contribution levels of the applicant.